Entries by alicia@pohlmanusa.com

National Court Reporting & Captioning Week Part 5: What is your professional goal for 2016?

National Court Reporting and Captioning Week is being celebrated February 14-20.  The week-long event is designed to celebrate the court reporting and captioning professions and to help raise public awareness about the growing number of employment opportunities the career offers.  In recognition of the outstanding court reporters PohlmanUSA has the opportunity to work with each […]

National Court Reporting & Captioning Week Part 4: What advice would you give to court reporting students?

National Court Reporting and Captioning Week is being celebrated February 14-20.  The week-long event is designed to celebrate the court reporting and captioning professions and to help raise public awareness about the growing number of employment opportunities the career offers.  In recognition of the outstanding court reporters PohlmanUSA has the opportunity to work with each […]

National Court Reporting & Captioning Week Part 3: What would you tell non-reporters about the profession?

National Court Reporting and Captioning Week is being celebrated February 14-20.  The week-long event is designed to celebrate the court reporting and captioning professions and to help raise public awareness about the growing number of employment opportunities the career offers.  In recognition of the outstanding court reporters PohlmanUSA has the opportunity to work with each […]

National Court Reporting & Captioning Week Part 2: What is your favorite tool for the trade of court reporting and why?

National Court Reporting and Captioning Week is being celebrated February 14-20.  The week-long event is designed to celebrate the court reporting and captioning professions and to help raise public awareness about the growing number of employment opportunities the career offers.  In recognition of the outstanding court reporters PohlmanUSA has the opportunity to work with each […]

National Court Reporting & Captioning Week Part 1: Why did you become a court reporter?

National Court Reporting and Captioning Week is being celebrated February 14-20.  The week-long event is designed to celebrate the court reporting and captioning professions and to help raise public awareness about the growing number of employment opportunities the career offers.  In recognition of the outstanding court reporters PohlmanUSA has the opportunity to work with each […]

PohlmanUSA Welcomes Videographer Frank Holmes

Frank Holmes has joined St. Louis based national litigation support firm, PohlmanUSA Court Reporting and Litigation Services, as a Video and Trial Services Representative. Making the announcement was Debbie Walters, president and chief operating officer. In his new position, Frank is assisting the other members of the Video and Trial Services department by shooting depositions, […]

What can a Certified Realtime Reporter do for you?

A Certified Realtime Reporter (CRR) has become an indispensable tool in the deposition process. The CRR uses a combination of stenographic skills, technology, and high speed writing to provide an instantaneous translation of the deposition transcript onto an attorney’s laptop or tablet screen. The immediacy and accuracy of the colloquy that a CRR provides makes […]

Year Review with PohlmanUSA

Looking back on 2015, we here at PohlmanUSA are grateful for the opportunity to work with so many clients across the nation. We are appreciative that you have trusted us as your court reporting and litigation service provider. We have been a part of numerous cases this year, including asbestos, pharmaceutical, and scientific, just to […]