Our online case management system designed to simplify the scheduling process and make it easy to order transcripts.
Stay on top of it. MyCase allows you to quickly and easily schedule depositions, register your appearance, and receive alerts of cancellations, time or location changes. This is EZSchedule and it was designed with you in mind.
- Schedule a deposition
- Download deposition details directly to your calendar
- Register your telephonic appearance online
- Receive dial-in numbers for telephonic depositions
- View deposition statuses
- Get instant alerts of time or location changes, or cancellations
- Download case documents online, anytime
At Every Step
With MyCase, the full power of Pohlman is with you at every step before, during and after the deposition to help you achieve a seamless experience and an accurate transcript.
Before the Deposition: Be prepared.
- Register telephonically in advance
- Pre-order transcripts
- Receive alerts of any deposition changes
During the Deposition: Access information.
- Instantly share exhibits and documents
- Access and download case documents
After the Deposition: Generate accuracy.
- Download previously produced transcripts instantly
- Receive email alerts of transcript order availability
24/7 Access
Available when and where you are. With mobile-friendly, online-access 24/7, you can order, download, search and even expedite transcript orders online.
Order and Download Instantly 24/7
Pre-Order and Expedite Orders
Search our Transcript Repository
Search. Not only do we have the most comprehensive transcript repository available, — we’ve made the search process easy. Our MyCaseTRAKSTM (transcript repository and keyword search) feature allows you to search our repository of over 110,000 asbestos transcripts dating back to the 1980’s to find the testimony you need to support your case — and always on your schedule.
24/7 Access (version 2)
Available when and where you are. With mobile-friendly, online-access 24/7, you can order, download and even expedite transcripts online.
Search. Not only do we have the most comprehensive transcript repository available, — we’ve made the search process easy. Our MyCaseTRAKSTM (transcript repository and keyword search) feature allows you to search our repository of over 100,000 asbestos transcripts dating back to the 1980’s to find the testimony you need to support your case — and always on your schedule.
Order and Download Instantly 24/7
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Pre-Order and Expedite Orders
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Search our Transcript Repository
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Award Winning
Thank you for your support! MyCase was designed in direct response to client feedback on pain points they experienced throughout the deposition process. To us, having our deposition management system honored equates to a successful client experience.

Let’s Connect
For more information on MyCase or any of the tools within the Pohlman Portal, please contact us at 877-421-0099.
At Every Step (version 1)
MyCase, and the full Power of Pohlman is with you at every step before, during and after the deposition to help you achieve a seamless experience and an accurate transcript.
Before the Deposition: Be prepared.
- Register in advance
- Pre-order transcripts
- Receive alerts of any deposition changes
During the Deposition: Access information.
- Share exhibits and documents
- Access and download case documents
After the Deposition: Generate accuracy.
- Download previously produced transcripts instantly
- Receive email alerts of transcript order availability
At Every Step (version 2)
MyCase, and the full Power of Pohlman is with you at every step before, during and after the deposition to help you achieve a seamless experience and an accurate transcript.
Before the Deposition: Be prepared.
- Register in advance
- Pre-order transcripts
- Receive alerts of any deposition changes
During the Deposition: Access information.
- Share exhibits and documents
- Access and download case documents
After the Deposition: Generate accuracy.
- Download previously produced transcripts instantly
- Receive email alerts of transcript order availability