Exciting New Office Space for PohlmanUSA- Chicago

PohlmanUSA’s Chicago office is starting the day in a new space located at 20 South Clark Street. The new office houses 2 private offices available for attorneys to use prior to and during depositions. It also provides a conference room, seating up to 20, available to hold depositions and video conferences. We believe the move of the Chicago office to an inviting, accessible, newly designed space will offer our clients a more comfortable environment to hold depositions and provide the Chicago staff a more functional space to improve efficiency.

The PohlmanUSA that you have grown to rely on was built by a team, using our strength, stability, technology, and innovation, all which are key elements of the PohlmanUSA vision. We see the updated Chicago office space as one more way we can deliver exceptional service and we hope the new vibrant space appropriately reflects PohlmanUSA’s continued and proactive commitment to Quality, Service, and Technology.

As with every office move memories creep up and years past are remembered. The same feelings have been experienced by our Chicago and St. Louis staff over the past few weeks as items were boxed up, closets and bookshelves emptied, and good byes to friends in the building were said. Remembering the days of attorneys crammed in the conference room all watching one screen for video conferences and submitting their transcript orders on the back of their business cards brought back memories of where we have been.

This move also gave the entire PohlmanUSA team the chance to reflect on the positive changes we have made as a company over the past 20 years. Whether it was finding a Pohlman business card with an 8-year-old logo in the back of a desk drawer, picking up a pen hidden under a desk since a client dropped it years ago, or reminiscing about the days of transcript production prior to the launch of the MyCase system, we all were reminded why we work for PohlmanUSA. The vision to always anticipate client needs, the desire to exceed expectations, the drive to lead by continuing to invest in best technology available and create new web tools, and the understanding that none of it will be accomplished unless every member of the Pohlman team works together is why we are all here, more than 20 years later. PohlmanUSA specializes in complex multiparty litigation by creating innovative products and customized solutions for our clients but we are also each committed to delivering exceptional customer service, 24/7, and anticipating our client’s needs. We’re always listening.™

You can visit the new Chicago office of PohlmanUSA during a two night open house December 4th and December 5th. Get more information by contacting the sales and marketing team at 877-421-0099 or events@pohmanusa.com

PohlmanUSA- 20 South Clark Street, Suite 2475, Chicago, IL 60603