Exciting Updated Features on MyCase
PohlmanUSA Court Reporting is pleased to announce the release of several updated features on our online case management system, MyCase. These updates were a direct result of the feedback received through recent power-user focus groups. We’ve also received an amazing response from over 100 paralegals and legal assistants to our recent online survey. We’re always listening and continuously striving to improve upon our service through advancements in our online web applications. Please find a brief description of each updated feature below.
• The notice of deposition, stip letter, and signature/page errata sheet file names are now visible on the calendar page.
• When signed up to receive the new deposition alert, you will receive an automated e-mail indicating that a deposition has been scheduled to take place within the next 5 calendar days. The case number has now been included in the body of the e-mail.
• The live deposition alerts are generated by a Pohlman employee to keep you informed of events that may be occurring during an active deposition. The subject line of this alert message will now include the Witness Name and Depositions date.
• The transcript request e-mail is delivered to your firm when someone from your firm is present at a Pohlman deposition. This e-mail will now contain the name of the attending attorney and clients represented at the deposition.
PohlmanUSA continues to reinvest in its clients with improvements in efficiency, mobility, and user-friendliness of our online web applications. Our clients continue to drive development efforts by providing insight into how these applications fit into their world. This will ensure that we are aligned with our client needs, proactively researching additional development opportunities, and able to provide management of complex multiparty litigation and all deposition intense cases.
Your additional feedback is greatly appreciated. We’re always listening.™
Please contact us at (877) 421-0099 or info@pohlmanusa.com.