Celebrating Earth Day 2015

Today marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day.

The PohlmanUSA team is proud to support the effort to protect our planet each and every day as a certified Green Business. It is easy to join in this effort through simple action such as adding a recycle box to your office, putting a bin for glass and paper in your break room, buy products from eco-friendly companies, program your computers for sleep mode when not in use, install motion sensor lights, use rechargeable batteries, pay bills online, adjust the thermostat by 1 degree, print on both sides of paper, recycle toner cartridges, use E-tickets for flights, plant trees as a company, or promote carpooling & public transportation to your employees. Every step we take individually and as a team helps protect our environment and save our planet. Learn more about what you can do at earthday.org,  gbb.org or 50waystohelp.com.

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