Time for Back to School- Are You Ready

Summer has come and gone again. Now is the time of year that kids (and many parents) dread…Back to school. While the routine of the school year has its benefits the transition from long summer days, late bedtimes and no schedule can be difficult and outright terrifying for some. When you include the long lines school shopping and added traffic on the roads there is no wonder why fall can be so stressful for kids and parents. Whether your child is starting their first year of school or going back for their 4th I wanted to share some of my tips that might be helpful. One thing is true- summer will be here again before we know it.

  • Have a schedule posted so kids can clearly see all chore and homework expectations, as well as nightly practices or activities. This can also include morning and bedtime routines to keep the parts of the day that get rushed a little calmer.
  • Start the school year bedtime routine, including lights out time, a week before school. This will help get kids back in the flow of school and decrease fits (yours and theirs) the night before school.
  • Discuss with the child how they will be getting to and from school every day and run through the routine.
  • Find out what friends are in the class before the first day, plan play dates if possible before school starts.
  • Discuss any concerns or special needs ahead of the time with the teacher and/ or school counselor.
  • Listen to your child, share your own school stories, confront any nerves, & express excitement yourself.
  • Label everything – bags, lunch boxes, water bottles, jackets, notebooks, etc.
  • Exchange numbers with other parents in the class for those homework assignments your child forgot, car pool emergencies, birthday party invitations that never went in the mail (and more).
  • Pack school bags at least two days before the start of school, just in case you are missing anything you will still have time to get it.
  • Wash and put all laundry away so that perfect first day outfit is clean and in the closet.
  • Pick out clothes, including socks, shoes and accessories and set them aside the night before.
  • Pack lunch and any non-perishable snacks the night before- keep them easy, less stress on you and your kids can help!
  • Prepare to spend up to 20% more time getting to work just dealing with the added traffic of school buses and high school kids on the road.
  • Plan fast and easy but nutritious breakfasts that are high in protein.
  • Remember to put hand sanitizer in each school bag, for those dirty hand emergencies.
  • Remember it is more important to spend time with the kids than to be the ”perfect” parents. No parent is “perfect” in their kid’s eyes.

Good luck making it till May!