Thank you, Missouri Lawyers Weekly readers, for voting PohlmanUSA a winner in five different categories!

Top Winner: 1st – Online Deposition Services
Top Winner: 1st – Case-Management Solutions
Top Winner: 1st – Courtroom Presentation Provider
Top Winner: 1st – Deposition Video Provider
Winner: Court Reporting / Deposition Services.

Each year, Missouri Lawyers Weekly recognizes the top litigation services businesses and organizations, as voted on by their readers. We’re honored to be nominated and selected as a winner for each of these categories.

We are grateful for these awards, but we are even more grateful to our clients for recognizing how our services support their teams. We look forward to continuing to create innovative solutions and provide top tier services to our valued clients.

Pohlman Awards - 2019

St. Louis Small Business Monthly’s 2019 Best of Awards celebrate service providers for being the best.  Pohlman’s customer service has won them not only accolades from clients and reporters, but a nomination for the 2019 Best Customer Service.  “At Pohlman We’re Always Listening® – to our clients, employees, and our reporters.  We want to hear their expectations and find a way to meet and exceed them.  We are thrilled to be nominated for the concierge-level customer service on which this company was founded nearly 30 years ago.” said Deborah Walters, President and CEO of PohlmanUSA.”  To learn more about joining the PohlmanUSA team, contact us 877-421-0099 or visit

PohlmanUSA Court Reporting and Litigation Services announces MyDocFileServe™ is now a certified eFiling Service Provider (EFSP) for Madison County, IL asbestos cases.  Since its inception in 2015, MyDocFileServe™ has provided customized features, such as one-step eFiling/eService, free bulk downloading, e-delivery of file-stamped copies, complimentary custom alerts, and permanent document storage. MyDocFileServe™ is the successor to MyDocServe™ which has been utilized in St Clair County, Illinois, for electronic service on asbestos cases since 2010.

“PohlmanUSA is excited to continue serving Madison County’s asbestos litigation firms with our efficient and cost-effective eFiling and eService system,” said Deborah Walters, President and CEO of PohlmanUSA. “We appreciate our client’s patience as we awaited this certification.  Since we created MyDocFileServe™ while working hand-in-hand with plaintiff and defense firms as well as the court clerk’s office, we are sure MyDocFileServe™ will benefit all asbestos practitioners for years to come.”

For more information on MyDocFileServe™, please visit: call 877-421-0999.


PohlmanUSA has headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. The company is recognized nationwide as a leading provider of technology-driven court reporting and litigation services. For nearly 30 years, Pohlman has specialized in complex, multiparty litigation by creating innovative products and customized solutions for its clients. Committed to delivering exceptional customer service, Pohlman provides an unstoppable combination of traditional and advanced technology-driven services and tools for court reporting, legal videography, trial services, and records collection providing cost savings and efficiencies to law firms and legal corporate departments worldwide. Additionally, Pohlman provides stenography services for arbitrations and captioning services for meetings, corporate events, and performances. To learn more about Pohlman and its services, visit

Celebrating the New Year provides a time to reflect on the past year and look ahead to what you want to accomplish in the coming year. Goals are varied ranging from a healthier diet, new adventures, more physical activity, and common resolutions are career advancement and work-life balance. These resolutions are vague because they lack action. In order to advance in your career or attain a better work-life balance, you must create and consistently follow a process. While the process will vary from person to person based on career, we have gathered a list of general practices to get you started.

  1. Write out your professional goal(s). In order to achieve your goals, you must clearly define them. Do you want a promotion? Are you wishing to acquire a new client or take on a new business venture? Maybe you want to get more done in your workday, so your work no longer comes home with you. Take the time to write each goal onto a piece of paper. Then, put the list in a place where you will see it, so it serves as a daily reminder of what you want to achieve.
  2. Get organized. Do you have an ever-growing stack of papers on your desk? Is your inbox overflowing with old emails? Take the time to get organized. Filing papers away and cleaning out your inbox will not only clear your workspace, but will also clear your mind and feel good, allowing you to be more productive.
  3. Regardless of the industry you are in, networking plays a huge role in professional development and success. When you attend networking events frequently, you become part of an influential “circle” of people. This circle can offer you a multitude of benefits, such as industry-related knowledge and information, client referrals, etc. If time allows, try to attend a networking event at least once per month. The more events you attend, the more professional relationships you develop, which means the bigger your “circle” of opportunities will grow.
  4. Make it a priority to pack a healthy lunch each day. This may sound cliché, but a nutritious, wholesome lunch can do wonders for your mind and body. Take the time each morning or the night before to prepare a lunch to take with to work. This will prevent you from grabbing fast food, mindlessly snacking throughout the day or skipping lunch altogether.
  5. Incorporate physical activity into your workday. Medical studies have found that spending seven or more hours sitting can lead to long-term health concerns. It has also been found that physical activity can stimulate the brain, improving memory and thinking skills. There are a variety of ways to get up and moving from your desk chair. For example, you could hold a “walking meeting” when you have a small meeting that consists of three to four people. You also could invest in a standing desk for hectic days when getting away from your desk in nearly impossible.
  6. Invest in new technologies to promote productivity. In today’s digital age, there is a plethora of technology to incorporate into your workday for increased efficiencies. For example, if you are constantly collaborating with coworkers or clients, project management software could be a beneficial tool to streamline your efforts. If you travel frequently for business, you should download a travel tool app, such as TripIt. The app allows you to easily organize your travel itineraries, so that you can have a successful trip.

While these tips are fairly simple and straightforward, it may take some time to make them a habit. Remember, professional development and success is a marathon, not a sprint. If you stay focused on your goals and work daily to achieve them, you will begin to see lasting results. Best of luck, and Happy New Year from the Pohlman team!

PohlmanUSA received a Top Legal Innovation Award for its MyCase system on Wednesday, Dec. 5 at the Missouri Lawyers Media’s award ceremony.

Missouri Lawyers Media’s Top Legal Innovation Awards is an inaugural event that celebrates excellence in legal innovation across the state by recognizing attorneys, firms and businesses whose progressive work drives new practice areas, services and business strategies.

“The entire Pohlman team is thrilled to have been recognized for the innovation and efficiency of our recently redesigned MyCase system,” said Deborah Walters, President and CEO of PohlmanUSA. “We are proud to have our dedication and investment in being a technology-driven court reporting agency recognized. We continuously strive to develop innovative, efficient web tools for our clients. Our internal web development team led by Alicia Hart, our Director of Ligation Support Technology, has outdone themselves with the enhanced MyCase we rolled out this fall.”

MyCase is Pohlman’s online interactive case management system. This tool offers a wealth of features all designed to make scheduling, monitoring, attending and ordering depositions effective and efficient. Earlier this year, MyCase was recognized as the “Top Ranked Case Management System” in Missouri Lawyers Weekly 2018 Reader Ranking Survey.

This past September, Pohlman redesigned the MyCase system and launched MyCaseTRAKS™ (Transcript Repository and Keyword Search) with added efficiencies and capabilities, including more dynamic search features providing access to our extensive, fully keyword indexed asbestos transcript repository, making case research easier than ever before.

To learn more about MyCase, visit:

At Pohlman, our court reporters cover depositions for cases across the nation and the globe. We have extensive experience in international travel, and our team of reporters has gathered a list of important tips for a successful business trip.

  1. Take time to learn about the country you are traveling to. You need to be aware of the country’s rules of entry. For example, some countries require you to apply for an entry visa on arrival. Also, many countries won’t let anyone enter with a passport that expires in the upcoming six months. It is also extremely important that you check the country’s time zone and accommodate for it when scheduling the business trip’s itinerary. Familiarize yourself with the country’s currency and what a U.S. dollar is worth there. Also, study up on their language and learn basic questions in their language. Downloading a translator app or hiring an actual translator ahead of time may be useful for the trip. It may be helpful to briefly study their culture and read some of its recent news, so that you can make small talk with the people you are meeting with. Being aware of cultural differences and local etiquette can make or break a successful meeting.
  2. Review your itinerary, and share it with another person. It is extremely important to review your itinerary prior to your departure and to plan ahead. Also, print a hard copy of it to take with you in case your phone/laptop doesn’t work or you have technological issues.
  3. Be prepared for technology and electronic constraints. Find out if you need to bring electrical adapters, and if so, what kind you need to bring. Also, check if your cell phone provider has an international plan. Find out the costs, and consider texting people back home rather than calling, as texting requires less bandwidth and is more reliable.
  4. Prepare for jet lag. While jet lag may seem unavoidable, you can help limit its effects by getting enough sleep at least two nights prior to your departure. If your flight is overnight, bring a sleeping mask, earplugs or a neck pillow to help you get some sleep. Also, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  5. Pack light. A good rule of thumb is to pack less than what you think you need. Research the country’s weather beforehand, so you can plan your outfits accordingly. Then, pack versatile clothing items that you can easily rewear, such as a skirt, dress pants or shoes. Also, if you are checking luggage, pack your essential items in your carry-on, such as a toothbrush, reading glasses, etc. Wear a business appropriate outfit on the plane (or pack it in your carry-on). Then, in the unfortunate case that your luggage gets lost, you can make do. You also may want to check the weight of your luggage beforehand and ensure that you are meeting the weight requirement of your airline.
  6. Before you depart for the trip, find out who your designated contact is from the firm you are doing business with. If your flight is delayed, you want to be able to let that person know. You can also reach out to that person with any questions you may have about the trip. He or she can also be helpful in travel suggestions, such as nice hotels, restaurants, transport options, etc.
  7. Plan your downtime. If your trip will last a few days or longer, you will most likely have downtime. To make the most of it, research restaurants and entertainment options near where you are staying. Then, when you have a few hours off, you can enjoy yourself.
  8. Leave earlier than you need to. This applies to the airport, the client meeting and every other task on your itinerary. Give yourself enough time to get through customs, so you do not miss your flight. Also, leave your hotel early enough in case there is traffic or you get lost.

If you follow these simple tips, your trip should be a success! Are you a lawyer that covers cases across the globe? Our court reporters can cover your depositions and cases, wherever and whenever! If you want to take a break from traveling, we also offer Multi-platform Video Conferencing, so you can attend a deposition from the comfort of your own home or office. Learn more at:


When thinking of a heated courtroom setting, you probably think of the determined lawyers competing against one another, the jury looking ahead in disbelief or boredom, or the judge demanding order in the court. Few people think of the person responsible for recording all of this excitement: the court reporter. Court reporters play such a vital role in the court system, and yet they are always just out of frame.

What is court reporting?
Court reporting is a verbatim transcription of legal proceedings. Court reporters use a steno machine, which is a word processer that uses a modified 22-button keyboard. This allows the court reporters to use shorthand and phonetically “write” the transcription. Court reporters are highly skilled, as they have to quickly write everything being said during the legal proceedings to produce an accurate record.

Why is court reporting so important?
Recording history has long been a part of civilization. Court reporters are responsible for recording legal proceedings in order for attorneys, judges, and litigants to use. Court reporters can also work outside of the courtroom, providing captions in real time for board meetings, conferences, live television programs, etc.

What are the benefits of becoming a court reporter?

  • Less School: It typically takes about two to four years to complete the educational requirements for court reporting and stenography. This can either result in a certificate or an associate’s degree, depending on the program. Next, a reporter may need to obtain a license, depending on each state.
  • Lower Tuition: A two-year program costs significantly less than four-year programs, which means that a court reporter will have fewer (if any) loans after graduation.
  • Higher Income: The median annual wage of court reporters is around $53,010 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, experienced court reporters that travel can earn up to six figures during their career. Court reporters can also do freelance work and charge a per-page fee, earning more money.
  • Job Security: A study by the National Court Reporters Association predicted a shortage of court reporters beginning in 2018 due to so many current court reporters reaching retirement age. This means there will be a surplus of openings for new graduates. Court reporters also can work in more than just legal settings. They can work as broadcast captioners to provide closed captions for television programs. They can also work as Communication Access Real-Time Translation providers to assist hearing impaired individuals. There is a variety of job options available to them.
  • Flexible Schedules: As mentioned, court reporters have a variety of work options. Some work full-time at specific locations for specific courts or judges. Other full-time court reporters travel across the country to attend depositions and trials. Freelancing is another option court reporters have. Freelancers can work from their homes, and work as much or as little as they like.

At PohlmanUSA, we are always looking to add to our talented team. If you have completed the educational and certificate requirements for court reporting, visit to view available positions. To learn more about court reporting and litigation services, visit:

PohlmanUSA Court Reporting and Litigation Services team is excited to announce the recent launch of an updated and faster MyCase system. With this launch, the company included new platform MyCaseTRAKS™ (Transcript Repository and Keyword Search). The modernized and more efficient website furthers the Pohlman vision to be the leading provider of technology-driven court reporting and litigation services. The new design aims to improve ease of use, provide easier access to deposition information while running faster to save clients valuable time.

Our Litigation Support team has gathered frequently asked questions on the new systems, so that your legal team can smoothly transition to the new MyCase and MyCaseTRAKS™.

  1. What is MyCase, and what makes this new version different?
    MyCase is Pohlman’s online interactive case management system. It is a complimentary service available to any firm that has utilized our deposition services—scheduling, ordering, etc. The new system makes scheduling depositions easier than ever before. Also, it has new features, efficiencies, and search capabilities, allowing you to save time and cut down litigation expenses. These features include speed, fewer screens for the clients to click through to find what they want, and map links to depositions.
  2. What is MyCaseTRAKS™?
    TRAKS stands for “Transcript Repository and Keyword Search.” With this new transcript repository search tool, busy litigators can easily search their transcripts. All of the text in each transcript has been indexed and is fully searchable, so that attorneys can expedite the deposition and trial preparation process.
  3. What kind of transcripts can I access via MyCaseTRAKS™?
    Through MyCaseTRAKS™, you have access to all of your law firm’s previous depositions and can search by keyword to find the ones relevant to your current issue or case. If you are active in asbestos litigation, MyCaseTRAKS™ provides access to past co-worker testimony, as well as previous expert testimony. You can pinpoint products identified by specific work sites, and also search within particular time periods.
  4. Why should I implement the new MyCase and MyCaseTRAKS™ into my legal practice?
    We will let our clients answer this one. These are responses derived directly from our MyCaseTRAKS™ satisfaction survey. “It is fast and saves me even more time throughout my busy day.” “It’s very easy to find details about cases, and it saves me a great deal of time.” “I like that I can search transcripts for a specific word before ordering it, and that we don’t have to actually call someone from the production department to access the transcripts.” “The keyword search feature is amazing! Plus, getting to preview the section where the keyword is mentioned is a very nice feature!”
  5. How do I start utilizing MyCase and MyCaseTRAKS™?
    If you have a MyCase login, you already access. If not, begin utilizing these programs by contacting our Litigation Support Department at 877-421-0099 or They can provide you with a login. Then, you can access them via the online portal 24/7 from any device.

We hope that these FAQs answered any questions you may have regarding MyCase and MyCaseTRAKS™, and that you are ready to begin utilizing these systems. If you have any other questions, please contact or call 877-421-0099. We’re Always Listening.®



You asked and we listened… The newly redesigned MyCase is coming soon! MyCase is our online interactive case management system. It is a complimentary service available to any firm that has utilized us for our deposition services—scheduling, ordering, etc. The new MyCase has made scheduling depositions even easier. Its recently added features, efficiencies, and search capabilities have made it faster and simpler to navigate.

With the new MyCase system redesign, we are proud to introduce MyCaseTRAKS™ (Transcript Repository and Keyword Search), our fast and efficient transcript repository search tool. MyCaseTRAKS™ searches over 100,000 Pohlman transcripts dating back to the 1980’s. All text included in our transcripts have been indexed and is fully searchable using our easy-to-use keyword search features. This allows you to locate past co-worker testimony, find previous expert testimony, pin point products identified by specific work sites, search within particular time periods, and so much more.

With our 28+ years of litigation support experience, our team understands the need to locate historical testimony while controling costs related to such research projects. As a result, we are excited to announce our MyCaseTRAKS™ discounted pricing program. All transcripts over five years old, ordered via the MyCaseTRAKS™ system, will be billed at a rate of $1.00 per page with a maximum of $350 per transcript.

Are you ready to take the stress out of scheduling depositions and searching transcripts? Then, it is time to get on “trak” with MyCaseTRAKS™ and the new MyCase system, which will be launching this month!  If you have any questions, contact our Litigation Support Department at 877-421-0099 or

Flexible work schedule, job security, competitive salary, lower tuition costs, less time in school… These are a few of the multitude of benefits of the court reporting profession. A court reporter, also referred to as a stenographer, creates accurate transcripts during depositions, trials, and other legal proceedings. If you are considering becoming a court reporter, here is some insight on what it will take to get there.

To be admitted into any court reporting program, you must have a high school diploma or G.E.D. During high school, you can begin preparing for the program by taking typing or business classes. These types of courses help you increase your typing speed and improve your accuracy while typing, which are both key components of a successful court reporter. Once you have completed high school, you will enter into an Associate’s Degree program for Stenography. There are programs with different durations available to choose from, such as accelerated two-year programs or three and four-year programs. The program teaches you a variety of things, including:

  • How to Operate a Stenography Machine
  • Proper Transcription Techniques
  • Legal and Medical Terminology
  • The Legal System
  • Courtroom Procedures

Once you have successfully completed the court-reporting program, it is time to obtain a license. The licensing standard varies from state to state. In some states, there is an exam you must pass to receive your license. While in other states, it is not needed, and you may be required to be a notary public. It is important that you research the requirements of the state in which you wish to work, so that you can meet its specific standard. After you have completed the necessary requirements, its time to seek employment!

Fortunately, court reporters have a wide scope of job opportunities. Many reporters work for government officials in government courtrooms or for court reporting agencies. Also, many individuals choose to work as freelance reporters for increased job flexibility. Regardless of whom you choose to work for, the components to be a successful court reporter remain the same: accuracy, speed, honesty, and professionalism.

At PohlmanUSA, our team of professional court reporters consists of registered reporters, certified merit reporters, and certified realtime reporters. Regardless of their background, they all demonstrate superior accuracy and legal competence. Learn more about what our court reporters do for us and our clients at: